HSEMA Business Emergency Management Operations Center (BEMOC)
NOTE: You can request to receive future BEMOC notifications by emailing dc.bemoc@dc.gov.
To help ensure a safe Election Day for District residents and businesses, the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), including BEMOC, will be activated at 6 a.m. on Tuesday, November 3. The EOC will operate on 12 hour shifts for 24/7 coverage through Wednesday evening, or later in the week if necessary.
Situational Update emails will be sent out to the BEMOC distribution list at approximately the following times:
- 11/3: 8 a.m., 4 p.m.
- 11/4: 12 a.m., 8 a.m., 4 p.m.
These emails will include links to any new press releases, parking restrictions and/or road closures, overview of elections status, threat updates, and other relevant information. At this point, there are no specific or credible threats.
If your business chooses to board up windows, please be careful that any supports do not block sidewalks and that they cannot be easily removed or disassembled to become projectiles from the exterior.
There are no large scale parking restrictions or street closures in place at this time. The Election Day emergency no parking restrictions will be in effect from 12 a.m. on Tuesday, November 3, through 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, November 4. A full list of parking restrictions in place throughout the downtown corridor is available on MPD’s website.
As a reminder, DMPED & HSEMA put together a one-page guide to assist businesses with preparations advice. It’s available at this link>>>
If you receive information of concern or potential threats to your business or other businesses in the District, please report them immediately and call 911.
- Sign up for alertdc.dc.gov
- To report criminal activity: Call 911
- To report suspicious activity: Use MPD’s iWATCHDC.org (Website: iWATCHDC.org)
- To report property damage or request assistance: Email dcra@dc.gov
- To report damage in the right-of-way: Call 311
- To join the HSEMA Business Emergency Management Operations Centers (BEMOC) list: Email dc.bemoc@dc.gov