Lower Georgia Avenue

Main Street

The highway to the heart of the city


District Bridges wants to celebrate these stories of connection, and uplift the small businesses that acted as the conduit for that special moment in your life.
If you have a love story that happened in this neighbourhood, please share it with us an we will publish it on our website! Please, don’t hesitate to include images as well and share your amazing love story with us!

In October 2017, Mayor Muriel Bowser designated the Lower Georgia Avenue Main Street (LGMS) program to serve the commercial corridor between Barry Place and Kansas Avenue along Georgia Avenue in Wards 1 & 4.

The LGAMS grant was awarded through the Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD) to revitalize communities by retaining and recruiting businesses, improving commercial properties and streetscapes, and attracting consumers. It serves as a community-based economic development program, and connects local businesses to the assistance and resources they need to adapt to and thrive in changing local environments.
With the leadership and support of community volunteers, LGAMS plans local events and promotions that draw people to shop, play, learn, dine and build meaningful relationships in this vibrant community.

LGAMS activities take place in the historic neighbourhoods of Pleasant Plains, Park View and Petworth.

Our team

Our Main Street team is dedicated to building relationships with the businesses, organizations, and community. Get to know our team and reach out if you want to setup a meeting.

Events and Engagement Manager, Ward 1

Ashley Edwards

Main Street Manager, Lower Georgia Avenue

Chellee Walker

LGA Equitable Development Plan

The Lower Georgia Ave Equitable Development Project (LGA EDP) is a new initiative that aims to look holistically at the resources, concerns, and opportunities in the Pleasant Plains, Park View, and LeDroit Park neighborhoods and convene residents in the future of the area. The proposed objective will be to devise an action plan of policies, programs, and practices that will help ensure a more equitable future for the corridor. While the Office of Councilmember Nadeau is launching the project through initial funding in partnership with District Bridges, the intent is for it to be community-driven and ultimately community-owned. A top priority will be elevating the voices of residents of color in planning the future of Lower Georgia Avenue.

Small Business Technical Assistance

We’re passionate about helping small local businesses succeed. Each business is unique and needs a unique solution. We take a holistic approach to help you achieve your dreams. Check out some of the ways our Main Street programs can help your business.

Check out some of the ways our Main Street programs can help your business. If you are a Ward 3 small business that is not currently served by a Main Street program we can help you! (Check to see if you are in a Main Street corridor here ) If you need help connecting with your Main Street you can email us at ward3@districtbridges.org and we’ll get you connected.

We annually conduct competitions for small grants up to $2,000 for businesses located within our Main Street program boundaries. These grants are made possible by the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development.  Join our newsletter to hear about upcoming opportunities.

There are a lot of resources and opportunities out there to help you grow your business, but it can be a lot to keep up with. Our business newsletter curates the most relevant opportunities and business news and puts it straight into your inbox. Stay in the know and sign up today!

Whether you have been in business for decades or are just getting started you need to have a plan to achieve your business goals. The District Bridges approach to business technical assistance focuses on helping you map out your pathway to success. Our Business Health Check helps us identify your business’s most critical needs. After you have completed your Business Health Check, we work with you directly to develop a Business Development Plan that aligns your business needs with the resources and assistance that will enable you to accomplish your goals.

We offer free or low-cost training and workshops on a variety of subjects where business owners get direct access to subject matter experts to them gain new skills to build a thriving business.

Need support but you’re not exactly sure what kind? Just need to bounce some ideas off of a trusted person? Our Main Street program staff are here for you. You can set up an in-person or online consultation with one of our professionals. We may not have all the answers, but we’ll work with you to help you navigate your questions and find the answer with you!

Whether you’re looking to get your business in front of a new audience or you want to connect with other businesses and people in your community, we host annual events and use social media and newsletters to help give your business the exposure you need to grow and help build long term connections in your community. Use the link below to submit holidays/observances promotions.

Join our Business Newsletter!

Economic Development

We are proud to be a nationally accredited Main Street program by the National Main Street Center as well as a designated DC Main Street by the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development.


Upcoming Events

Want to get involved in the community? Check out our upcoming events below!

Get Involved / Volunteer

Volunteering with District Bridges is a great way to support our work to build stronger more connected communities and invest in local businesses. Are you looking to volunteer your time to support one of our upcoming events? Check out the ways you can get involved and let’s have some fun!

Volunteer Sign Up

Sign up for our volunteer corps to be informed of upcoming volunteer opportunities. You can specify specific neighborhoods you’d like to serve or find out about all our opportunities.

Become Neighborhood Strategy Council Member

Help us set programmatic priorities for each of our Main Street programs. Apply today you’re interested in serving!

Lower Georgina Avenue Strategy Council

Our Neighborhood Strategy Councils (NSCs) are community advisory boards that help us set programmatic priorities for each of our Main Street programs. If you are interested in getting involved, please reach out to ccms@districtbridges.org. Our current NSC includes:


Wall of Books


Howard University


Howard Deli


Community Member


Fia’s Fabulous Finds




Short Eats


DC Reynolds


Petworth Arts Collective


Georgia Avenue Thrive


Wall of Books


Community Member


Community Member


Community Member


Community Member


Community Member

The Neighborhood Strategy Council

To ensure each one of the District Bridges Main Street programs remains connected to the communities they serve, we developed advisor boards made up of key community stakeholders. We can these advisory board Neighborhood Strategy Councils.

The Neighborhood Strategy Councils provides leadership on neighborhood priorities for community-based economic development through District Bridges Main Street programs. Each Main Street program develops an NSC that works as a team to apply their experience and local understanding of community needs to support the designated Main Street neighborhoods. Specific activities of individual members may vary based on expertise, capacity, and availability.

The basic roles and responsibilities are as follows:

  1. Prepare for and attend regular Neighborhood Strategy Council meetings.
  2. Represent community priorities and concerns.
  3. Disseminate information to the broader community.
  4. Identify and develop Neighborhood Transformation Strategies.
  5. Lead or support Committees/Action Teams for specific events, programs, and priorities.
  6. Set priorities for annual workplans.
  7. Approve annual budget workplan allocation.
  8. Recruit volunteers for Main Street activities.
  9. Support the identification and cultivation of financial and in-kind contributions for priority activities.
  10. Work with the Program Manager/Director to give or get $500/year towards the program’s fundraising goal.

Check out our social media

Explore the neighborhood

Pho Viet USA

Restaurant and Bar Petworth


Retail Petworth

Yoga District – Petworth

Health and Wellness Petworth


Restaurant and Bar Petworth

Timber Pizza Co.

Restaurant and Bar Petworth

The Swift Petworth

Residential Petworth

Teatro de la Luna

Entertainment Petworth

Subway Sandwiches

Restaurant and Bar Petworth

Spice – A Caribbean Jerk Joint

Restaurant and Bar Petworth

Shell Gas Station

Automotive Petworth

She Loves Me

Retail Petworth


Grocery Petworth

Qualia Coffee

Restaurant and Bar Petworth

Popular DC

Retail Petworth

Piccadilly Paws

Retail Petworth

Petworth Cleaners

Personal Services Petworth

Petworth Laundromat

Personal Services Petworth

Petworth Market

Grocery Petworth

Petworth Ace Hardware

Retail Petworth

Pantry – Thai Bistro & Sushi

Restaurant and Bar Petworth

Mary’s Center

Health and Wellness Petworth

Loyalty Book Store

Retail Petworth

Huntington Learning Center

School Petworth

Four Brothers LLC

Professional services Petworth

Fia’s Fabulous Finds

Retail Petworth

Exxon Gas Station

Automotive Petworth

Envy Nails

Personal Services Petworth

El Torogoz Restaurant

Restaurant and Bar Petworth

Dunkin Donuts

Restaurant and Bar Petworth

Dos Mamis

Restaurant and Bar Petworth

District Pilates

Health and Wellness Petworth

District Cabinets

Professional services Petworth

Collage Dominican Hair Salon

Personal Services Petworth

Cinder BBQ

Restaurant and Bar Petworth

Capitol Cider House

Restaurant and Bar Petworth

Burgerim Petworth

Restaurant and Bar Petworth

Brightwood Mart

Grocery Petworth

Boost Mobile

Retail Petworth

Art of Noize

Retail Petworth

African Braiding Center

Personal Services Petworth

777 Market

Grocery Petworth