We are thrilled to announce the local businesses that have been awarded Logan Circle Main Street Small Business Grants for FY22. We had more applicants than funds once again this year so choosing recipients was, as always, challenging. The Grant Review Committee’s priority was selecting businesses and organizations that contribute to the community as part of their business model. A big thank you to our Grant Review Committee: Craig Cobine, Dave Feinstein, Matt Higgins, Tarek Kouddous, Sue Pitman, Jacky Spindler, Lenda Washington and Steve Zagami. 

The FY22 Logan Circle Main Street recipients are:

Cultural DC:  Storefront upgrade and redesign

Current Boutique:  Lighting and interior improvements

Flow Yoga: Specialized marketing

Jane Jane: Activating greenhouse space

nailsaloon:  Exterior Signage

Slipstream: A new oven

Studio Theatre: Security system upgrade

The Outrage: Mutual aid hub and voter registration and education booth

Transformer: Digital infrastructure improvements

W. Millar & Pizza Policy: Marketing, Outdoor Speaker & Customer Hot Box

Each of these businesses will be awarded a $3,000 grant for the projects listed;

Looking to tangibly show your love for your neighborhood? We need you more than ever. With an ongoing monthly or annual membership, you are directly investing in solutions-oriented work focused on socially mindful and impactful community development such as our Small Business Grant Program.

You can also get involved by volunteering for LCMS.  With your help, we can tackle neighborhood problems and make Logan Circle an even more dynamic place to live and visit.  You can get started by filling out the Volunteer Interest and Business Preference Survey (it only takes 5 minutes!).

And, of course, patronize our Logan Circle local businesses.