Chevy Chase Main Street 2022 Small Business Grants: Winners & Next Grant Cycle Announcement

Chevy Chase Main Street is committed to supporting a thriving small business community. We are pleased to share the recipients of the February 2022 Small Business Grants along our corridor. These businesses represent the diversity of the neighborhoods we serve. We are proud to offer these grants to help small businesses address the most pressing issues and critical needs they face.
This cycle’s winners are:
Circle Yoga (3838 Northampton St NW) received $3,000 to develop a marketing plan, fund website optimization strategies, and higher a photographer for updated photos
Park Story (3813 Livingston St NW) received $1,290.02 to update their point-of-sale system
Salon Familia (3817 Livingston St NW) received $3,000 to purchase and install a new HVAC system
Quist MD (5630 Connecticut Ave NW Suite #2) received $3,000 to create new interior and exterior signage, hire a design professional to update branding materials, and to increase + enhance public bicycle parking in front of their business
Did you (or your favorite business) miss out on this round of grant funding? The Chevy Chase Main Street (CCMS) program is now accepting applications for a second round of funding. Funds can be used for technical assistance, exterior and storefront improvements, interior renovations, security improvements, and/or equipment. Applications are due April 8th, 2022 at 5:00 PM. Please contact if you have any questions
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