Looking for something to do this holiday weekend? Lower Georgia Avenue Main Street has 4th of July specials and activities—find something to do in our round-up below!

Reliable Tavern (3655 Georgia Ave NW)
To celebrate the 4th of July, Reliable Tavern has put together a package of colonial Era drinks:
- Stone Fence (bitters/cider/ Hamilton Rum)
- Hamilton Rum Old Fashioned (honey/ sweet vermouth)
- Philly Fish House Punch (Hamilton Rum, cognac, fruit brandy, citrus)
Available for purchase on DCToGoGo.

Tsehay Ethiopian Restaurant (3630 Georgia Ave. NW)
Join them on July 3rd and 4th for happy hour from 4-8pm, with specialty cocktails & more.
Some of their happy hour deals include:
- $5 cocktails
- $4 glasses of wine
- $4 beers
Watch A Sandosharaj in Story District’s “My Country Tis of Thee”
As we near the Fourth of July, Story District (3329 Georgia Ave NW) dug into some of their archives from their show “My Country Tis of Thee: Stories about being an American.”
The show shares stories from folks with all types of experiences in America to build connection, understanding, and empathy.
Watch A Sandosharaj tell her story here (it’s under 8 minutes!) and check out the full show on YouTube.

Watch A Capitol Fourth With Howard University TV
Looking for a way to watch A Capitol Fourth? You can watch it LIVE on Howard University TV. They will be streamlining live on their Facebook.