Lower Georgia Avenue Equitable Development Plan

Phase One Goals


Support overall project to create a shared vision for a thriving commercial corridor that reflects neighborhood history, identity, and culture and guides future development.


Build public awareness and participation in LGA EDP process.


Convene key stakeholders to serve on the LGA EDP Strategic Leadership Council.


Collect and aggregate feedback from diverse stakeholders along the corridor including housing, small business, community placemaking, arts, and social sector representatives.


Design plans for Phase Two implementation.

2022 Phase One Timeline

Support overall project to create a shared vision for a thriving commercial corridor that reflects neighborhood history, identity, and culture and guides future development.

Build public awareness and participation in LGA EDP process.

Convene key stakeholders to serve on the LGA EDP Strategic Leadership Council.

Collect and aggregate feedback from diverse stakeholders along the corridor including housing, small business, community placemaking, arts, and social sector representatives.

Key Activities

Community Engagement – Stakeholder Interviews & Surveys

District Bridges will schedule, conduct, and analyze individual and group interviews to (1) (re)introduce project purpose, activities, and timeline, (2) learn the history of prior economic development activities, (3) learn current/planned economic development activities, (4) identify hopes and fears about economic development, (5) build support for participation in public re-engagement event, (6) collect referrals from other key stakeholders, and (7) identify potential LGA EDP Strategy Leadership Council members. Other stakeholders will participate in a survey to increase participant feedback.

Lower Georgia Avenue Strategic Leadership Council

JSA and District Bridges will work jointly to identify and recruit Strategic Leadership Council (SLC) members that both represent diverse community perspectives, and share the common goal of organizing an inclusive, transparent, and productive community engagement event to guide the LGA EDP process. Members will include representatives from Georgia Ave neighborhood associations, small business owners, affordable housing experts, real estate developers, and key institutions (e.g., Howard Univ).

Community Engagement Event

JSA will facilitate the ultimate community engagement event planned by the SLC. JSA will provide its conflict resolution and community engagement expertise to support strategic alignment and planning among key stakeholders who are willing to invest in the emergence and success of a corridor-wide vision for LGA.

Get in touch

Director of Storytelling and Marketing

Anna Claire Walker

Events and Engagement Manager, Ward 1

Ashley Edwards

Executive Director

Brianne Dornbush

Community Navigator

Carmen Elena Thorpe